CowPower Bioenergy Partners, LLC was formed to provide Turnkey Solutions for Manure and Nutrient Management to Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) through the use of Anaerobic Digestion. Anaerobic Digestion technology facilitates the extraction of methane-rich biogas from waste which can be converted into electricity or natural gas.
Our Strategy
The System processes manure and other wastes in an effort to improve Air & Water Quality, and control run-off and other water quality issues related to waste management. The Digester is designed to be operated by the Business Owner, is simple to maintain, and optimized for reliability. With (124) Digesters in operation at (90) sites in (19) U.S. states, DVO's patented design processes more manure in North America than any other Digester company.
Our Process
The process uses microorganisms to break down biodegradable material in an oxygen free environment creating the biogas. The patented two-stage system converts manure and other organic waste products into three valuable by-products: a Bio-gas, which can be used to power an engine to create electricity or scrubbed to make natural gas; A Bio-solid, used for a high quality Bedding material for cows or as a soil amendment; and a non-odorous inorganic Liquid Stream which can be used as fertilizer on growing crops. In addition, the system can be implemented at other Agri-businesses with organic wastes including Poultry Facilities, Meat Packing Plants, Dairy Plants and Vegetable Processors.